Initial guess (or iterate) for the resolution

We present in this tutorial the different possibilities to provide an initial guess to solve an optimal control problem with the OptimalControl.jl package.

First, we need to import the OptimalControl.jl package to define the optimal control problem and NLPModelsIpopt.jl to solve it. We also need to import the Plots.jl package to plot the solution.

using OptimalControl
using NLPModelsIpopt
using Plots

For the illustrations, we define the following optimal control problem.

t0 = 0
tf = 10
α  = 5

ocp = @def begin
    t ∈ [t0, tf], time
    v ∈ R, variable
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    x(t0) == [ -1, 0 ]
    x(tf) - [ 0, v ] == [0, 0]
    ẋ(t) == [ x₂(t), x₁(t) + α*x₁(t)^2 + u(t) ]
    v^2 + ∫( 0.5u(t)^2 ) → min

Default initial guess

We first solve the problem without giving an initial guess. This will default to initialize all variables to 0.1.

# solve the optimal control problem without initial guess
sol = solve(ocp; display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 10

Let us plot the solution of the optimal control problem.

plot(sol; size=(600, 450))
Example block output

Note that the following formulations are equivalent to not giving an initial guess.

sol = solve(ocp; init=nothing, display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))

sol = solve(ocp; init=(), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 10
Number of iterations: 10

To reduce the number of iterations and improve the convergence, we can give an initial guess to the solver. This initial guess can be built from constant values, interpolated vectors, functions, or existing solutions. Except when initializing from a solution, the arguments are to be passed as a named tuple init=(state=..., control=..., variable=...) whose fields are optional. Missing fields will revert to default initialization (ie constant 0.1).

Interactions with an optimal control solution

To get the number of iterations of the solver, check the iterations function.

Constant initial guess

We first illustrate the constant initial guess, using vectors or scalars according to the dimension.

# solve the optimal control problem with initial guess with constant values
sol = solve(ocp; init=(state=[-0.2, 0.1], control=-0.2, variable=0.05), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 7

Partial initializations are also valid, as shown below. Note the ending comma when a single argument is passed (tuple).

# initialisation only on the state
sol = solve(ocp; init=(state=[-0.2, 0.1],), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))

# initialisation only on the control
sol = solve(ocp; init=(control=-0.2,), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))

# initialisation only on the state and the variable
sol = solve(ocp; init=(state=[-0.2, 0.1], variable=0.05), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 9
Number of iterations: 24
Number of iterations: 7

Functional initial guess

For the state and control, we can also provide functions of time as initial guess.

# initial guess as functions of time
x(t) = [ -0.2t, 0.1t ]
u(t) = -0.2t

sol = solve(ocp; init=(state=x, control=u, variable=0.05), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 16

Vector initial guess (interpolated)

Initialization can also be provided with vectors / matrices to be interpolated along a given time grid. In this case the time steps must be given through an additional argument time, which can be a vector or line/column matrix. For the values to be interpolated both matrices and vectors of vectors are allowed, but the shape should be number of time steps x variable dimension. Simple vectors are also allowed for variables of dimension 1.

# initial guess as vector of points
t_vec = LinRange(t0,tf,4)
x_vec = [[0, 0], [-0.1, 0.3], [-0.15,0.4], [-0.3, 0.5]]
u_vec = [0, -0.8,  -0.3, 0]

sol = solve(ocp; init=(time=t_vec, state=x_vec, control=u_vec, variable=0.05), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 12

Note: in the free final time case, the given time grid should be consistent with the initial guess provided for the final time (in the optimization variables).

Mixed initial guess

The constant, functional and vector initializations can be mixed, for instance as

# we can mix constant values with functions of time
sol = solve(ocp; init=(state=[-0.2, 0.1], control=u, variable=0.05), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))

# wa can mix every possibility
sol = solve(ocp; init=(time=t_vec, state=x_vec, control=u, variable=0.05), display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 12
Number of iterations: 20

Solution as initial guess (warm start)

Finally, we can use an existing solution to provide the initial guess. The dimensions of the state, control and optimization variable must coincide. This particular feature allows an easy implementation of discrete continuations.

# generate the initial solution
sol_init = solve(ocp; display=false)

# solve the problem using solution as initial guess
sol = solve(ocp; init=sol_init, display=false)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 1

Note that you can also manually pick and choose which data to reuse from a solution, by recovering the functions state(sol), control(sol) and the values variable(sol). For instance the following formulation is equivalent to the init=sol one.

# use a previous solution to initialise picking data
sol = solve(ocp;
    init = (
        state    = state(sol),
        control  = control(sol),
        variable = variable(sol)
println("Number of iterations: ", iterations(sol))
Number of iterations: 1
Interactions with an optimal control solution

Please check state, costate, control and variable to get data from the solution. The functions state, costate and control return functions of time and variable returns a vector.

Costate / multipliers

For the moment we can not provide an initial guess for the costate / multipliers.