The abstract syntax to define an optimal control problem

The full grammar of OptimalControl.jl small Domain Specific Language is given below. The idea is to use a syntax that is

  • pure Julia (and, as such, effortlessly analysed by the standard Julia parser),
  • as close as possible to the mathematical description of an optimal control problem.

While the syntax will be transparent to those users familiar with Julia expressions (Expr's), we provide examples for every case that should be widely understandable. We rely heavily on MLStyle.jl and its pattern matching abilities 👍🏽 for the semantic pass. Abstract definitions use the macro @def.


:( $v ∈ R^$q, variable ) 
:( $v ∈ R   , variable ) 

A variable (only one is allowed) is a finite dimensional vector or reals that will be optimised along with state and control values. To define an (almost empty!) optimal control problem, named ocp, having a dimension two variable named v, do the following:

@def begin
    v ∈ R², variable
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    v ∈ R², variable

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   X    │   X    │    X     │    V     │     X     │     X      │      X      │

Aliases v₁, v₂ (and v1, v2) are automatically defined and can be used in subsequent expressions instead of v[1] and v[2]. The user can also define her own aliases for the components (one alias per dimension):

@def begin
    v = (a, b) ∈ R², variable
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    v = ((a, b) ∈ R², variable)

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   X    │   X    │    X     │    V     │     X     │     X      │      X      │

A one dimensional variable can be declared according to

@def begin
    v ∈ R, variable
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    v ∈ R, variable

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   X    │   X    │    X     │    V     │     X     │     X      │      X      │

It is also possible to use the following syntax

@def ocp begin
    v ∈ R, variable

that is equivalent to

ocp = @def begin
    v ∈ R, variable


:( $t ∈ [$t0, $tf], time ) 

The independent variable or time is a scalar bound to a given interval. Its name is arbitrary.

t0 = 1
tf = 5
@def begin
    t ∈ [t0, tf], time
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    t ∈ [t0, tf], time

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   X    │    X     │    X     │     X     │     X      │      X      │

One (or even the two bounds) can be variable, typically for minimum time problems (see Mayer cost section):

@def begin
    v = (T, λ) ∈ R², variable
    t ∈ [0, T], time
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    v = ((T, λ) ∈ R², variable)
    t ∈ [0, T], time

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   X    │    X     │    V     │     X     │     X      │      X      │


:( $x ∈ R^$n, state ) 
:( $x ∈ R   , state ) 

The state declaration defines the name and the dimension of the state:

@def begin
    x ∈ R⁴, state
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    x ∈ R⁴, state

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   X    │   V    │    X     │    X     │     X     │     X      │      X      │

As for the variable, there are automatic aliases (x₁ and x1 for x[1], etc.) and the user can define her own aliases (one per scalar component of the state):

@def begin
    x = (q₁, q₂, v₁, v₂) ∈ R⁴, state
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    x = ((q₁, q₂, v₁, v₂) ∈ R⁴, state)

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   X    │   V    │    X     │    X     │     X     │     X      │      X      │


:( $u ∈ R^$m, control ) 
:( $u ∈ R   , control ) 

The control declaration defines the name and the dimension of the control:

@def begin
    u ∈ R², control
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    u ∈ R², control

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   X    │   X    │    V     │    X     │     X     │     X      │      X      │

As before, there are automatic aliases (u₁ and u1 for u[1], etc.) and the user can define her own aliases (one per scalar component of the state):

@def begin
    u = (α, β) ∈ R², control
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    u = ((α, β) ∈ R², control)

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   X    │   X    │    V     │    X     │     X     │     X      │      X      │


:( ∂($x)($t) == $e1 ) 

The dynamics is given in the standard vectorial ODE form:

\[ \dot{x}(t) = f([t, ]x(t), u(t)[, v])\]

depending on whether it is autonomous / with a variable or not (the parser will detect time and variable dependences, which entails that time, state and variable must be declared prior to dynamics - an error will be issued otherwise). The symbol , or the dotted state name (), or the keyword derivative can be used:

@def begin
    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    ∂(x)(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]


@def begin
    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    ẋ(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]


@def begin
    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    derivative(x)(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    (derivative(x))(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    X     │     V     │     X      │      X      │

Any Julia code can be used, so the following is also OK:

ocp = @def begin
    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    ẋ(t) == F₀(x(t)) + u(t) * F₁(x(t))

F₀(x) = [x[2], 0]
F₁(x) = [0, 1]

The vector fields F₀ and F₁ can be defined afterwards, as they only need to be available when the dynamics will be evaluated.

Currently, it is not possible to declare the dynamics component after component, but a simple workaround is to use aliases (check the relevant aliases section below):

@def damped_integrator begin
    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    q̇ = v(t)
    v̇ = u(t) - c(t)
    ẋ(t) == [q̇, v̇]
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x = ((q, v) ∈ R², state)
    u ∈ R, control
    q̇ = v(t)
    v̇ = u(t) - c(t)
    ẋ(t) == [q̇, v̇]

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    V     │     V     │     X      │      X      │


:( $e1 == $e2        ) 
:( $e1 ≤  $e2 ≤  $e3 ) 
:(        $e2 ≤  $e3 ) 
:( $e3 ≥  $e2 ≥  $e1 ) 
:( $e2 ≥  $e1        ) 

Admissible constraints can be

  • five types: boundary, control, state, mixed, variable,
  • linear (ranges) or nonlinear (not ranges),
  • equalities or (one or two-sided) inequalities.

Boundary conditions are detected when the expression contains evaluations of the state at initial and / or final time bounds (e.g., x(0)), and may not involve the control. Conversely control, state or mixed constraints will involve control, state or both evaluated at the declared time (e.g., x(t) + u(t)). Other combinations should be detected as incorrect by the parser 🤞🏾. The variable may be involved in any of the four previous constraints. Constraints involving the variable only are variable constraints, either linear or nonlinear. In the example below, there are

  • two linear boundary constraints,
  • one linear variable constraint,
  • one linear state constraint,
  • one (two-sided) nonlinear control constraint.
@def begin
    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    x(0) == [-1, 0]
    x(tf) == [0, 0]
    ẋ(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]
    tf ≥ 0
    x₂(t) ≤ 1
    u(t)^2 ≤ 1
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    x(0) == [-1, 0]
    x(tf) == [0, 0]
    ẋ(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]
    tf ≥ 0
    x₂(t) ≤ 1
    u(t) ^ 2 ≤ 1

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    V     │     V     │     X      │      V      │

Symbols like <= or >= are also authorised:

@def begin
    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    x(0) == [-1, 0]
    x(tf) == [0, 0]
    ẋ(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]
    tf >= 0
    x₂(t) <= 1
    u(t)^2 <= 1
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    x(0) == [-1, 0]
    x(tf) == [0, 0]
    ẋ(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]
    tf >= 0
    x₂(t) <= 1
    u(t) ^ 2 <= 1

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    V     │     V     │     X      │      V      │

Write either u(t)^2 or (u^2)(t), not u^2(t) since in Julia the latter is means u^(2t). Moreover, in the case of equalities or of one-sided inequalities, the control and / or the state must belong to the left-hand side. The following will error:

julia> @def begin
           t ∈ [0, 2], time
           x ∈ R², state
           u ∈ R, control
           x(0) == [-1, 0]
           x(2) == [0, 0]
           ẋ(t) == [x₂(t), u(t)]
           1 ≤ x₂(t)
           -1 ≤ u(t) ≤ 1
       endERROR: ParsingError:
Line 7: 1 ≤ x₂(t)
bad constraint declaration

Mayer cost

:( $e1 → min ) 
:( $e1 → max ) 

Mayer costs are defined in a similar way to boundary conditions and follow the same rules. The symbol is used to denote minimisation or maximisation, the latter being treated by minimising the opposite cost. (The symbol => can also be used.)

@def begin
    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    tf ≥ 0
    -1 ≤ u(t) ≤ 1
    q(0) == 1
    v(0) == 2
    q(tf) == 0
    v(tf) == 0
    0 ≤ q(t) ≤ 5
   -2 ≤ v(t) ≤ 3
    ẋ(t) == [v(t), u(t)]
    tf → min
The (autonomous) optimal control problem is given by:

    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x = ((q, v) ∈ R², state)
    u ∈ R, control
    tf ≥ 0
    -1 ≤ u(t) ≤ 1
    q(0) == 1
    v(0) == 2
    q(tf) == 0
    v(tf) == 0
    0 ≤ q(t) ≤ 5
    -2 ≤ v(t) ≤ 3
    ẋ(t) == [v(t), u(t)]
    tf → min

The (autonomous) optimal control problem is of the form:

    minimize  J(x, u, tf) = g(x(0), x(tf), tf)

    subject to

        ẋ(t) = f(x(t), u(t), tf), t in [0, tf] a.e.,

        ηl ≤ η(x(t), tf) ≤ ηu, 
        ϕl ≤ ϕ(x(0), x(tf), tf) ≤ ϕu, 

    where x(t) = (q(t), v(t)) ∈ R², u(t) ∈ R and tf ∈ R.

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    V     │     V     │     V      │      V      │

Lagrange cost

:(       ∫($e1) → min ) 
:(     - ∫($e1) → min ) 
:( $e1 * ∫($e2) → min ) 
:(       ∫($e1) → max ) 
:(     - ∫($e1) → max ) 
:( $e1 * ∫($e2) → max ) 

Lagrange (integral) costs are defined used the symbol , with parentheses. The keyword integral can also be used:

@def begin
    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    0.5∫(q(t) + u(t)^2) → min


@def begin
    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    0.5integrate(q(t) + u(t)^2) → min
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x = ((q, v) ∈ R², state)
    u ∈ R, control
    0.5 * integrate(q(t) + u(t) ^ 2) → min

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    X     │     X     │     V      │      X      │

The integration range is implicitly equal to the time range, so the cost above is to be understood as

\[\int_0^1 \left( q(t) + u^2(t) \right) \mathrm{d}t \to \min.\]

As for the dynamics, the parser will detect whether the integrand depends or not on time (autonomous / non-autonomous case).

Bolza cost

:( $e1 +       ∫($e2)       → min ) 
:( $e1 + $e2 * ∫($e3)       → min ) 
:( $e1 -       ∫($e2)       → min ) 
:( $e1 - $e2 * ∫($e3)       → min ) 
:( $e1 +       ∫($e2)       → max ) 
:( $e1 + $e2 * ∫($e3)       → max ) 
:( $e1 -       ∫($e2)       → max ) 
:( $e1 - $e2 * ∫($e3)       → max ) 
:(             ∫($e2) + $e1 → min ) 
:(       $e2 * ∫($e3) + $e1 → min ) 
:(             ∫($e2) - $e1 → min ) 
:(       $e2 * ∫($e3) - $e1 → min ) 
:(             ∫($e2) + $e1 → max ) 
:(       $e2 * ∫($e3) + $e1 → max ) 
:(             ∫($e2) - $e1 → max ) 
:(       $e2 * ∫($e3) - $e1 → max ) 

Quite readily, Mayer and Lagrange costs can be combined into general Bolza costs. For instance as follows:

@def begin
    p = (t0, tf) ∈ R², variable
    t ∈ [t0, tf], time
    x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R², control
    (tf - t0) + 0.5∫(c(t) * u(t)^2) → min
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    p = ((t0, tf) ∈ R², variable)
    t ∈ [t0, tf], time
    x = ((q, v) ∈ R², state)
    u ∈ R², control
    (tf - t0) + 0.5 * ∫(c(t) * u(t) ^ 2) → min

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    V     │     X     │     V      │      X      │

The expression must be the sum of two terms (plus, possibly, a scalar factor before the integral), not more, so mind the parentheses. For instance, the following errors:

julia> @def begin
           p = (t0, tf) ∈ R², variable
           t ∈ [t0, tf], time
           x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
           u ∈ R², control
           (tf - t0) + q(tf) + 0.5∫( c(t) * u(t)^2 ) → min
       endERROR: ParsingError:
Line 5: (tf - t0) + q(tf) + 0.5 * ∫(c(t) * u(t) ^ 2) → min
bad objective declaration resulting in a Mayer term with trailing ∫

The correct syntax is

@def begin
    p = (t0, tf) ∈ R², variable
    t ∈ [t0, tf], time
    x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R², control
    ((tf - t0) + q(tf)) + 0.5∫( c(t) * u(t)^2 ) → min
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    p = ((t0, tf) ∈ R², variable)
    t ∈ [t0, tf], time
    x = ((q, v) ∈ R², state)
    u ∈ R², control
    ((tf - t0) + q(tf)) + 0.5 * ∫(c(t) * u(t) ^ 2) → min

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    V     │     X     │     V      │      X      │


:( $a = $e1 )

The single = symbol is used to define not a constraint but an alias, that is a purely syntactic replacement. There are some automatic aliases, e.g. x₁ for x[1] if x is the state, and we have also seen that the user can define her own aliases when declaring the variable, state and control. Arbitrary aliases can be further defined, as below (compare with previous examples in the dynamics section):

@def begin
    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    F₀ = [x₂(t), 0]
    F₁ = [0, 1]
    ẋ(t) == F₀ + u(t) * F₁
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    t ∈ [0, 1], time
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    F₀ = [x₂(t), 0]
    F₁ = [0, 1]
    ẋ(t) == F₀ + u(t) * F₁

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    X     │     V     │     X      │      X      │

Such aliases do not define any additional function and are just replaced textually by the parser. In particular, they cannot be used outside the @def begin ... end block.


You can rely on a trace mode for the macro @def to look at your code after expansions of the aliases using the @def ocp ... syntax and adding true after your begin ... end block:

julia> @def damped_integrator begin
           tf ∈ R, variable
           t ∈ [0, tf], time
           x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
           u ∈ R, control
           q̇ = v(t)
           v̇ = u(t) - c(t)
           ẋ(t) == [q̇, v̇]
       end true;variable: tf, dim: 1
time: t, initial time: 0, final time: tf
state: x, dim: 2
control: u, dim: 1
alias: q̇ = (x[2])(t)
alias: v̇ = u(t) - c(t)
dynamics: ẋ(t) == [(x[2])(t), u(t) - c(t)]

The dynamics of an OCP is indeed a particular constraint, be careful to use == and not a single = that would try to define an alias:

julia> double_integrator = @def begin
           tf ∈ R, variable
           t ∈ [0, tf], time
           x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
           u ∈ R, control
           q̇ = v
           v̇ = u
           ẋ(t) = [q̇, v̇]
       endERROR: ParsingError:
Line 7: ẋ(t) = begin
        #= REPL[1]:8 =#
        [q̇, v̇]
forbidden alias name: (∂(x))(t)


  • Declarations (of variable - if any -, time, state and control) must be done first. Then, dynamics, constraints and cost can be introduced in an arbitrary order.
  • It is possible to provide numbers / labels (as in math equations) for the constraints to improve readability (this is mostly for future use, typically to retrieve the Lagrange multiplier associated with the discretisation of a given constraint):
@def damped_integrator begin
    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x = (q, v) ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    tf ≥ 0, (1)
    q(0) == 2, (♡)
    q̇ = v(t)
    v̇ = u(t) - c(t)
    ẋ(t) == [q̇, v̇]
    x(t).^2  ≤ [1, 2], (state_con)
The optimal control problem is not complete but made of:

    tf ∈ R, variable
    t ∈ [0, tf], time
    x = ((q, v) ∈ R², state)
    u ∈ R, control
    tf ≥ 0, 1
    q(0) == 2, ♡
    q̇ = v(t)
    v̇ = u(t) - c(t)
    ẋ(t) == [q̇, v̇]
    x(t) .^ 2 ≤ [1, 2], state_con

Declarations (* required):
│ times* │ state* │ control* │ variable │ dynamics* │ objective* │ constraints │
│   V    │   V    │    V     │    V     │     V     │     X      │      V      │
  • Parsing errors should be explicit enough (with line number in the @def begin ... end block indicated) 🤞🏾
  • Check tutorials and applications in the documentation for further use.