Harmonic oscillator problem

\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \displaystyle \min\, T, \\[0.5em] \dot{x}_1(t) = x_2(t), \; t\in [0,T]\\[0.5em] \dot{x}_2(t) = u(t)-x_1(t), t\in [0,T] \\[0.5em] u(t) \in [-1, 1], \; t\in [0,T]\\[0.5em] x(0) = (4.2,0) , \quad x(T) = 0_{\mathrm{R}^2}, \\[0.5em] \{x \mid x_2 < 0\} \text{ is a control loss reigon.} \end{array} \right.\]

Reformulation for the direct method

\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \displaystyle \min\, T + \varepsilon \int_0^T v^2(t)dt + \int_0^T f_{NC}(x_2(t))u^2(t)dt, \\[0.5em] \dot{x}_1(t) = x_2(t), \; t\in [0,T]\\[0.5em] \dot{x}_2(t) =f_{C}(x_2(t))(u(t) - x_1(t)) + f_{NC}(x_2(t))(\lambda(t) - x_1(t)) , t\in [0,T] \\[0.5em] \dot{\lambda}(t) = f_C(x_2(t))v(t),\; t\in [0,T]\\[0.5em] u(t) \in [-1, 1] \; t\in [0,T]\\[0.5em] x(0) = (4.2,0) , \quad x(T) = 0_{\mathrm{R}^2}. \end{array} \right.\]

using Plots
using Plots.PlotMeasures
using OptimalControl
using NLPModelsIpopt
fNC(x) = fNC_unboundedminus(x, 0, 0.018)
plot(fNC, -1, 1, label="fNC")
Example block output
ε = 1e-3

@def ocp begin

    tf ∈ R,                  variable
    t ∈ [ 0, tf ],           time
    q = [ x1, x2, λ ] ∈ R^3, state
    ω = [u, v] ∈ R^2,        control

    tf ≥ 0.

    x1(0) == 2.5
    x2(0) == 4
    x1(tf) == 0
    x2(tf) == 0

    -1 ≤ u(t) ≤ 1

    -1 ≤  λ(t) ≤ 1,             (1)
    -5 ≤ x1(t) ≤ 5,             (2)
    -5 ≤ x2(t) ≤ 5,             (3)

    q̇(t) == [x2(t),
            (1-fNC(x2(t)))*u(t) + fNC(x2(t))*λ(t) - x1(t),

    tf + ∫(ε*(v(t))^2 +fNC(x2(t))*(u(t))^2) → min

N = 630
sol = solve(ocp; init = ( state = t -> [0.1, 0.1, 1],
                          control =[-1, 0],
                          variable =15
                        ), grid_size=N, print_level=4)
Total number of variables............................:     3787
                     variables with only lower bounds:        1
                variables with lower and upper bounds:     2524
                     variables with only upper bounds:        0
Total number of equality constraints.................:     2525
Total number of inequality constraints...............:        0
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:        0
   inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

Number of Iterations....: 433

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:   9.6350191593681309e+00    9.6350191593681309e+00
Dual infeasibility......:   2.4454967043453316e-09    2.4454967043453316e-09
Constraint violation....:   1.8583476913776504e-10    1.8583476913776504e-10
Variable bound violation:   8.3660913752225952e-09    8.3660913752225952e-09
Complementarity.........:   1.1938535931605429e-10    1.1938535931605429e-10
Overall NLP error.......:   2.4454967043453316e-09    2.4454967043453316e-09

Number of objective function evaluations             = 437
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 434
Number of equality constraint evaluations            = 437
Number of inequality constraint evaluations          = 0
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations   = 434
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 433
Total seconds in IPOPT                               = 16.901

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
plot(sol; layout=:group, size=(800, 300))
Example block output
tf = sol.variable
tt = (0:N+1) * (tf/(N+1))

x1(t)  = sol.state(t)[1]
x2(t)  = sol.state(t)[2]
λ(t)   = sol.state(t)[3]
u(t)   = sol.control(t)[1]
p1(t)  = sol.costate(t)[1]
p2(t)  = sol.costate(t)[2]
a      = λ(tf)
plot(x1, x2, 0, tf, label="optimal trajectory", color="blue", linewidth=2)
plot!([-4, 5], [0, 0], color=:black, label=false, linewidth=2)
Example block output
plot(tt, u, label="optimal control", color="red", linewidth=2)
plot!(tt, λ, label="state λ", color="green", linewidth=2)
Example block output
# Find the crossing times based on conditions for x1
t1_index = findfirst(t -> x2(t) ≤ 0, tt)
t2_index = nothing
t3_index = nothing

# If t1 is found, find the next crossing times
if t1_index !== nothing
    t2_index = findfirst(t -> x2(t) ≥ 0, tt[t1_index+1:end])
    t2_index = t2_index !== nothing ? t2_index + t1_index : nothing

if t2_index !== nothing
    t3_index = findfirst(t -> x2(t) ≤ 0, tt[t2_index+1:end])
    t3_index = t3_index !== nothing ? t3_index + t2_index : nothing

if t3_index !== nothing
    t4_index = findfirst(t -> x2(t) ≥ 0, tt[t3_index+1:end])
    t4_index = t4_index !== nothing ? t4_index + t3_index : nothing

# Convert indices to times
t1 = t1_index !== nothing ? tt[t1_index] : "No such t1 found"
t2 = t2_index !== nothing ? tt[t2_index] : "No such t2 found"
t3 = t3_index !== nothing ? tt[t3_index] : "No such t3 found"
t4 = tt[end]

println("First crossing time: ",        t1)
println("Second crossing time: ",       t2)
println("Third crossing time: ",        t3)
println("Fourth crossing/final time: ", t4)
First crossing time: 0.8546408395361081
Second crossing time: 3.9984982135439346
Third crossing time: 6.50137495789968
Fourth crossing/final time: 9.629970888344362
d = diff(u.(tt))
tstar = tt[findfirst(abs.(d) .> 0.9)[]]
println("the switching time: ", tstar)
the switching time: 4.8989233837694774
jmp1 = p2(t1+0.1)  - p2(t1-0.1)
jmp2 = p2(t2+0.1)  - p2(t2-0.1)

println("p2(t1+) - p2(t1-) = ", jmp1)
println("p2(t2+) - p2(t2-) = ", jmp2)
p2(t1+) - p2(t1-) = -0.047185686456722054
p2(t2+) - p2(t2-) = -0.030569576369011087

Indirect Method

using NonlinearSolve
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Animations
# Dynamics
function F0(x)
    return [x[2], -x[1]]

function F1(x)
    return [0, 1]

H0(x, p) = p' * F0(x)
H1(x, p) = p' * F1(x)

# Hamiltonians:
H(x, p, u)  =  H0(x, p) + u*H1(x,p)                 # pseudo-Hamiltonian

up(x, p) =  1
um(x, p) = -1

Hp(x, p) = H(x, p, up(x, p))
Hm(x, p) = H(x, p, um(x, p))

# Hamiltonians: control loss region 2
H2(x, b, y, p) = H0(x, p) + b*H1(x, p) - y*p[2]     # pseudo-Hamiltonian
Hcl(X, P)      = H2(X[1:2], X[3], X[4], P[1:2])     # control loss 2

# Flows
fp  = Flow(Hamiltonian(Hp))
fm  = Flow(Hamiltonian(Hm))
fcl = Flow(Hamiltonian(Hcl))
# parameters
t0 = 0
x0 = [2.5; 4.0]
# Shooting function
function shoot(p0, tt1, tt2, ttstar, tt3, b1, jump1, jump2, TT)

    pb0    = 0
    py0    = 0

    x1, p1 = fm(t0 , x0, p0, tt1)
    x2, p2 = fp(tt1, x1, p1 - [0, jump1], tt2)
    x3, p3 = fp(tt2, x2, p2, ttstar)
    x4, p4 = fm(ttstar, x3, p3, tt3)
    X5, P5 = fcl(tt3, [x4 ; b1 ; 0], [p4 - [0, jump2]; pb0 ; py0], TT)

    s = zeros(eltype(p0), 10)

    s[1:2] = X5[1:2] - [ 0 , 0 ]                      # target
    s[3]   = H1(x3, p3)                               # switching
    s[4]   = x1[2] - 0                                # first crossing
    s[5]   = x2[2] - 0                                # second crossing
    s[6]   = x4[2] - 0                                # third crossing
    s[7]   = jump1 - p1[2]*(1 + 1)/(1 - x1[1])        # jump1
    s[8]   = jump2 - p4[2]*(b1 + 1)/(b1 - x4[1])      # jump2
    s[9]   = Hm(x0, p0) - 1                           # free final time
    s[10]  = P5[4]                                    # averaged gradient condition

    return s

# auxiliary function with aggregated inputs
nle! =  (ξ, λ) -> shoot(ξ[1:2], ξ[3], ξ[4], ξ[5],ξ[6],ξ[7],ξ[8], ξ[9], ξ[10])

# initial guess
ξ_guess = [p1(0) , p2(0), t1, t2, tstar , t3, a, jmp1, jmp2, t4]

prob = NonlinearProblem(nle!, ξ_guess)
indirect_sol = solve(prob; abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8, show_trace=Val(true))

Algorithm: NewtonRaphson(
   descent = NewtonDescent()

----     -------------        -----------
Iter     f(u) inf-norm        Step 2-norm
----     -------------        -----------
0        6.62212503e-01       2.19781003e-309
1        1.38656548e-02       9.12772446e-01
2        1.43085053e-04       3.34510446e-02
3        3.63686457e-08       2.84892727e-04
4        4.11315732e-15       3.22314990e-08
Final    4.11315732e-15
# Retrieves solution
pp0    = indirect_sol[1:2]
tt1    = indirect_sol[3]
tt2    = indirect_sol[4]
ttstar = indirect_sol[5]
tt3    = indirect_sol[6]
b11    = indirect_sol[7]
jmp1   = indirect_sol[8]
jmp2   = indirect_sol[9]
T1     = indirect_sol[10]
ode_sol = fm((t0, tt1), x0, pp0, saveat=0.1)
ttt1    = ode_sol.t
xx1     = [ ode_sol[1:2, j] for j in 1:size(ttt1, 1) ]
pp1     = [ ode_sol[3:4, j] for j in 1:size(ttt1, 1) ]
uu1     = um.(xx1, pp1)

ode_sol = fp((tt1, tt2), xx1[end], pp1[end] - [0., jmp1], saveat=0.1)
ttt2    = ode_sol.t ;
xx2     = [ ode_sol[1:2, j] for j in 1:size(ttt2, 1) ]
pp2     = [ ode_sol[3:4, j] for j in 1:size(ttt2, 1) ]
uu2     = up.(xx2, pp2)

ode_sol = fp((tt2, ttstar), xx2[end], pp2[end] , saveat=0.1)
ttt3    = ode_sol.t ;
xx3     = [ ode_sol[1:2, j] for j in 1:size(ttt3, 1) ]
pp3     = [ ode_sol[3:4, j] for j in 1:size(ttt3, 1) ]
uu3     = up.(xx3, pp3)

ode_sol = fm((ttstar, tt3), xx3[end], pp3[end], saveat=0.1)
ttt4    = ode_sol.t ;
xx4     = [ ode_sol[1:2, j] for j in 1:size(ttt4, 1) ]
pp4     = [ ode_sol[3:4, j] for j in 1:size(ttt4, 1) ]
uu4     = um.(xx4, pp4)

ode_sol = fcl((tt3, T1), [xx4[end] ; b11 ; 0.0], [pp4[end] - [0., jmp2]; 0. ; 0.], saveat=0.1)
ttt5    = ode_sol.t
xx5     = [ ode_sol[1:2, j] for j in 1:size(ttt5, 1) ]
pp5     = [ ode_sol[5:6, j] for j in 1:size(ttt5, 1) ]
uu5     = b11.*ones(length(ttt5))
tt0 = [ ttt1 ; ttt2 ; ttt3 ; ttt4 ; ttt5 ]
xx = [ xx1 ; xx2 ; xx3 ; xx4 ; xx5 ]
pp = [ pp1 ; pp2 ; pp3 ; pp4 ; pp5 ]
uu = [ uu1 ; uu2 ; uu3 ; uu4 ; uu5 ]

m = length(tt0)

x11 = [ xx[i][1] for i=1:m ]
x22 = [ xx[i][2] for i=1:m ]
p11 = [ pp[i][1] for i=1:m ]
p22 = [ pp[i][2] for i=1:m ]
plot(x11, x22, label="optimal trajectory",  linecolor=:blue , linewidth=2)
plot!([-4, 5], [0, 0], color=:black, label=false, linewidth=2)
Example block output
plot(tt0,   uu, label="optimal control",  linecolor=:red , linewidth=2)
Example block output
plot(tt0,  p11, label="costate p1", linecolor=:purple , linewidth=2)
plot!(tt0,  p22, label="costate p2",  linecolor=:violet , linewidth=2)
Example block output
# create an animation
animx = @animate for i = 1:length(tt0)
    plot(x11[1:i], x22[1:i], xlim=(-3.,5.), ylim=(-4.,4.3), label="optimal trajectory",
        linecolor=:blue, linewidth=2, legend=:topleft)
    scatter!([x11[i]], [x22[i]], markersize=4, marker=:circle, color=:black, label=false)
    plot!([-4, 5], [0, 0], color=:black, label=false, linewidth=2)

animu = @animate for i = 1:length(tt0)
    plot(tt0[1:i], uu[1:i], xlim=(0.,tt0[end]), ylim=(-1.2,1.2), label="opitmal control",
        linecolor=:red, linewidth=2)

animp = @animate for i = 1:length(tt0)
    plot(tt0[1:i], p11[1:i], xlim=(0.,tt0[end]), ylim=(-1.3, 0.5), label="costate p1",
        linecolor=:purple, linewidth=2)
    plot!(tt0[1:i], p22[1:i], xlim=(0.,tt0[end]), ylim=(-1.5,1.3), label="costate p2",
        linecolor=:violet, linewidth=2, legend=:topleft)
# display the animation
gif(animx, "ho_x.gif", fps = 10)
Example block output
gif(animu, "ho_u.gif", fps = 10)
Example block output
gif(animp, "ho_p.gif", fps = 10)
Example block output