
The CTBase.jl package is part of the control-toolbox ecosystem.

flowchart TD O(<a href='https://control-toolbox.org/OptimalControl.jl/stable/api-optimalcontrol.html'>OptimalControl</a>) --> B(<a href='https://control-toolbox.org/OptimalControl.jl/stable/api-ctbase.html'>CTBase</a>) O --> D(<a href='https://control-toolbox.org/OptimalControl.jl/stable/api-ctdirect.html'>CTDirect</a>) O --> F(<a href='https://control-toolbox.org/OptimalControl.jl/stable/api-ctflows.html'>CTFlows</a>) F --> B D --> B style B fill:#FBF275

You may find in this package:

Here is the list of imported packages and exported functions.


CTBase module.

Lists all the imported modules and packages:

  • Base
  • Core
  • DataStructures
  • DocStringExtensions
  • LinearAlgebra
  • MLStyle
  • Parameters
  • PrettyTables
  • Printf
  • ReplMaker
  • Unicode

List of all the exported names:


For the developers, here are the private methods.