Initial guess

We present in this tutorial the different possibilities to provide an initial guess to solve an optimal control problem using the solve command. For the illustrations, we define the following optimal control problem.

using OptimalControl

t0 = 0
tf = 10
α  = 5

@def ocp begin
    t ∈ [ t0, tf ], time
    v ∈ R, variable
    x ∈ R², state
    u ∈ R, control
    x(t0) == [ -1, 0 ]
    x(tf) - [ 0, v ] == [0, 0]
    ẋ(t) == [ x₂(t), x₁(t) + α*x₁(t)^2 + u(t) ]
    v^2 + ∫( 0.5u(t)^2 ) → min

We first solve the problem without giving an initial guess.

# solve the optimal control problem without initial guess
sol = solve(ocp, display=false)

# print the number of iterations
println("Number of iterations: ", sol.iterations)
Number of iterations: 15

Let us plot the solution of the optimal control problem.

plot(sol, size=(600, 450))
Example block output

To reduce the number of iterations and improve the convergence, we can give an initial guess to the solver. We define the following constant initial guess.

# constant initial guess
initial_guess = (state=[-0.2, 0.1], control=-0.2, variable=0.05)

# solve the optimal control problem with initial guess
sol = solve(ocp, display=false, init=initial_guess)

# print the number of iterations
println("Number of iterations: ", sol.iterations)
Number of iterations: 10

We can also provide functions of time as initial guess for the state and the control.

# initial guess as functions of time
x(t) = [ -0.2t, 0.1t ]
u(t) = -0.2t
initial_guess = (state=x, control=u, variable=0.05)

# solve the optimal control problem with initial guess
sol = solve(ocp, display=false, init=initial_guess)

# print the number of iterations
println("Number of iterations: ", sol.iterations)
Number of iterations: 20

For the moment we can not provide an initial guess for the costate. Besides, there is neither cold nor warm start implemented yet. That is, we can not use the solution of a previous optimal control problem as initial guess.